The last client I will tell you about is a 90-year-old retired World War II Captain. This gentleman first came to me when he was 89 years old to update his estate plan. I helped him draft his estate plan and he left. However, he came back a year or so later for some help with a real estate issue. The Captain never made an appointment, he just showed up when he wanted, but I was always happy to see and talk with him. This time he came on my birthday and we were able to share some birthday cake while he told stories and picked on all of us young’uns in the office. Unfortunately, as it often happens, over the next year, The Captain began to lose the ability to care for himself mentally, although physically he was still a force. Thankfully, we had done the proper estate planning and his daughter was eventually able to step in and assist as his guardian.
These are only three experiences that led me to fall more in love with the special needs community. At the end of it all, I’m the one who is blessed to be able to assist the people who walk through our doors seeking help with estate planning.