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Charlie Weisinger


Charlie Weisinger received his law degree from St. Mary’s University School of Law. Charlie is licensed to practice by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas and the Federal District Court for the Western District of Texas. Charlie is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law.

Charlie grew up in San Antonio and graduated from Business Careers High School. After high school, he went straight to work installing two-way radios, sirens, and light bars in public safety vehicles. After several years of working and attending school part-time, Charlie returned to school full-time at The University of Texas at San Antonio where he Graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Political Science.

Charlie and Olivia married in 2002 and are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary this year. Charlie and Olivia are blessed with 4 boys: Jack, Lincoln, and twins, Charlie and Gabriel. Charlie enjoys an eclectic mix of music from classical to rock to modern pop and a touch of hip hop, but his go-to comfort music is bad country songs.

Charlie is Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in the specialty area of Estate Planning and Probate Law, and an ACCREDITED ESTATE PLANNER® with the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils.

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