Tattoos, Orange Juice, and True Love

Peace Through Planning

I am often touched by the stories I hear from my clients.  My clients often have beautiful stories of love to share with me. A recent client of mine became a widow overnight after 60 years of marriage.  Several months had passed, yet he told me how he couldn’t bear to move the container of orange juice that she left in the refrigerator.  She had gotten a glass of orange juice the night before falling ill.  He related to me how his wife had always been so precious to him and how through all the years she was always the most beautiful person he had ever known.  His eyes filled with tears (as did mine) as he shared his desire for more time with her.

Another of my clients recently lost his wife of over 50 years.  I walked him through the probate process and learned about his children. A few months later he passed and I was able to meet one of his daughters as we walked her through the process as well.  She laughed as we talked about his briefcase that he carried all of his important documents in.  She shared about the example that her parents had been in her life.

I often have the opportunity to work with clients in the estate planning arena, where we are planning for the future.  I recently met with a couple that had been married 60 years and were still laughing and joking with each other.  The gentleman had a skull and crossbones tattoo on his forearm. My assistant asked him about it and without missing a beat, he shared that it was a picture of his wife when she was younger. His bride just rolled her eyes as she had obviously heard that one before.

I believe I am one of the most blessed people in the world to have the opportunity to participate in the lives of these special people we call clients.  Their stories remind me of the importance of family and of always being there. I learn that it is important to keep laughing, keep loving and always let those close to you know you care about them.  I often share their stories with tears in my eyes as my wife laughs at me for being such a softy.

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