When Childhood Dreams Become a Reality

Peace Through Planning

I grew up a cowboy at heart. My hero was Walker Texas Ranger, Wyatt Earp, and any character played by Robert Duvall. My first pair of shoes were cowboy boots and I still prefer them over all others.

I grew up a movie connoisseur. My Dad and I went to the movies every Friday night most of my childhood. My favorite movies were always set in the south and often involved a small town lawyer. From Vinny Gambini (My Cousin Vinny) to Jake Tyler Brigance (A Time to Kill) to Rudy Baylor (The Rainmaker), I marveled at the settings and the fight for justice. When I was in high school I saw A Time to Kill. I have since watched that movie more times than I can count. I also grew up around more than a few lawyers. My family seemed to be fond of spending their money on lawyers. I spent a lot of time visiting lawyers in old homes with hardwood floors and doors that creaked when opening. I dreamt of one day having an office like Matthew McConaughey’s character, Jake Tyler Brigance. Like many young attorneys, going to law school was based strongly on my impressions from John Grisham novels and movies.

I grew up in San Antonio and attended Law School at St. Mary’s University. A few years after law school, I opened my practice in a corporate building sharing space with a fantastic CPA. Deep inside I still desired that good ole boy hometown setting, but wondered if that was a dream that I should let go.

My wife grew up in Schertz, Texas. Two years ago, we moved out there to be closer to her family. Schertz calls San Antonio its biggest suburb and claims that “The Sun Shines Brighter Here”. One exit south of Schertz is a historically famous town that goes by the name of Selma. People all over the country know about the famous “Selma Speed Trap”. Over the past two years on our way to church, we pass a strip of old Victorian homes. I have mentioned to my wife on several occasions that one day I would like to have an office like one of those.

As the end or our current lease term is ending, I began to weary of my near hour commute. I started looking to move to the northeast side of town. My first call was to one of my most trusted advisors, Commercial Realtor, Melinda Roberts. As my wife and I headed to church the very next Sunday, we drove past the little yellow Victorian house on Evan’s Road. There was a sign out front saying, “For Lease.”

Just when I thought the dream had died, it was reborn. It is with great excitement and anticipation that we are able to announce that my boyhood dream has become a reality. July 1st we will be open for business in a little old house in the quaint town of Selma, Texas.

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