Valentine’s Day: All You Need To Know

Peace Through Planning

This Saturday will mark my 14th Valentines celebrated with Charlie. Our very first Valentine’s Day he proposed! One would think it would be down hill from there. After all, how do you beat a proposal?

Last night, Charlie and I were going through an app that warned you of the 29 worst Valentine’s Day gifts.  The list included Spanx, knives, money, socks, and a vacuum cleaner. No surprises. Yet, I was surprised at how many of the items I would be happy to receive.  So maybe not the Spanx, but I love Cutco knives and I really loved the dishwasher he bought me several V-Days ago.

It is cliché to have a list of right and wrong to do on this special “over-commercialized” holiday.  But truly, men and women just want to be and feel loved.

This day has held many different celebrations for us: from the proposal, to the surprise get-a-ways, to the time we hosted a V-Day party for singles. Quite honestly, I thought the party was awesome. However, my brother-in-law and husband not so much.  I offered to let them play the games. It isn’t my fault they chose doing the dishes.

Each year brings surprises and demands that alter our Valentines Day plans. Yet, I feel fortunate that I won the Romeo Lottery when it comes to husbands. He understands that it is my heart he is working to win. He is a fantastic listener and often knows how to make the day special before I do.

So after 14 years of Valentine Celebrations this is what I have picked up.

1. There is not a formula.
My dad always says, “As long as it is a diamond, it is never wrong.” I have to disagree just slightly. I think the gift on Valentine’s Day depends on the season.  For example, if a lady has been waiting for you to propose, don’t give her diamond earrings.  If you are broke and pregnant with twins, don’t buy the lady diamond earrings. Any other time feel free to buy her diamond earrings.

2. It is about her heart.
Finding the perfect gift is about knowing your loved ones heart. What is going on in her world? What does she talk about? Worry about? What makes her feel special? And therein lies the answer to what to get her for Valentine’s Day.

3. Guys want to be loved on this day too.
It took me 12 years to get this. Guys like to be celebrated on Valentine’s Day too!  Two years ago, we switched roles and I planned the entire day.  I called it Dude Style V-Day.  That morning I gave Charlie a card with a long letter and some chocolates. That evening we went to Alamo Draft House and watched some movie with lots of violence while we ate pizza. There was nothing phenomenal about what I did, but to Charlie there was. He now asks for dude style V-day because “he wants to feel loved.”

So this year switch it up. Listen to one another and find your special way to say, “I love you”.

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