Happy Father’s Day

Peace Through Planning

My husband’s birthday falls within a week of Father’s Day, so June is HIS month. Each year I have great plans to make it extra special, but we have created a trend that makes it difficult. We seem to always be moving this time of year.

We have moved on his birthday the last 3 out of 4 years. We aren’t military and we typically aren’t moving far, but we are still packing boxes. Sometimes we are moving office space, sometimes our home, but I am starting to think we would make fantastic professional movers.

This year was meant to be different. We had no plans of moving. We live 3 miles from work, love our community, and feel complete in our home. But Murphy showed up and we found it necessary to move.

In the past three weeks we have staged our home, are replacing a roof, viewed over 60 homes and are closing in two weeks.  In the midst of moving, I have tried to figure out what to do to celebrate this most special man’s birthday and Father’s Day. When I ask him what he wants he tells me not to worry he is getting a house.

This has become his classic answer. I realize he is excited about our new home and that is gift enough, but I can’t help but recognize what a gift he is to our family. He initiated this move, as he wanted his family protected. He has worked tirelessly to make this process as smooth as possible. He has worked with financing and realtors to make sure we are getting into a home we can comfortably afford. He has searched for homes in a tight restriction of space to stay in our school district, ease to work, and staying in our community. He has listened to his pregnant wife’s rants on floor plans, positioning of homes on the street, and community amenities. To top it all he has worked to get both homes sold and moved in before his wife’s third trimester begins.

I do not know that there is a gift big enough for a man that cares this deeply for his family. It takes a special man to be as calm, collected, and caring as he. I know there are many men out there who provide similar blessings to their homes and that their children and their children’s children will inherit something greater than money can buy. I am thankful to have such a man in my home raising our sons. To all the dads out there who are busy providing and caring for their families, thank you. You are making the world a better place. To the special father in our home, we could not love you more. Thank you for lighting up our son’s face and teaching him how to love others.

The post Happy Father’s Day appeared first on Weisinger Law Firm.
