Back to School, For the First Time

Peace Through Planning

Back to School for some, but it is our first time to school. Well, pre-school.

We are slowly on-ramping into the world of academia.

We had to get a bigger backpack and actually purchase a lunch box. I had no idea there were new standards in this area since I was a student (just a few years ago). We were encouraged to reduce waste and not use sandwich bags or other disposable products. We were instructed that no peanut products are permitted. I had no idea peanut allergies had become so common. In a moment of transparency, I did not know what to fix for lunch if peanut butter wasn’t allowed. My current idea on making lunches include a peanut butter sandwich, peanut butter on celery or with apples, and maybe some peanut butter crackers, even our favorite homemade cookies include peanut butter. So now, I have a Pinterest board of lunch food ideas and I have purchased a bento box. I have no doubt my son’s palate will thank you for making me reach beyond the Peter Pan bottle.

Prior to school starting, we have a scheduled play date to meet the other kids in the class. How cool is that?! And we already sent a family picture so on the first day our little Mr. Weisinger feels welcome and part of the group. I am impressed with the level of thoughtfulness this generation is using to teach. I am not sure many in my graduating class knew my family much less my pre-K class.

This is a time I have anticipated since I first heard I was expecting. I love school, so much so, I kept going until I was 33-years –old (and no, I didn’t keep failing). I want my son to love school too. I want him to adopt the philosophy that learning is for a lifetime, not just a few mandated years.

I have never related to the lines of mom’s watching in the window of their kids in kindergarten, until now. All of the sudden I have mixed emotions of excitement, anticipation, and a bit of heartburn. My babies getting bigger. He’s gaining independence and in that I rejoice. I look forward to him meeting new people and learning new things. I love to watch his eyes light up when he learns something new.

Ah, but my baby is getting bigger. And here is the heartburn. He is leaving behind the toddler world. The world that he and I love and do together. The long lazy days at home or the spontaneous trips for ice cream and the park. The days where mom knows him better than anyone because she sees him most. I love getting 1001 hugs a day followed by a few 100 stabs from a sword fight. He lights up my days. I have loved the toddler years. As we emerge into his academic years, our schedule is becoming more regulated and our time together will be reducing, and so my heart burns.

So please, when you see me standing in line at the window with the other Mama’s, forget any non-sense you might have heard from me before I personally experience this transition.

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