Help a Mama Out!

Peace Through Planning

It is almost time for the national holiday to celebrate all the mamas. Interesting enough I have visited Mother’s Day from multiple perspectives: the mother of adopted teen children, the empty nester, the infertile woman, and now the mother of young biological kids.

Each stage has its own glitz and glamor. During the teen years, the teenagers participated in the holiday and brought their own flare to the day. While I was an empty nester I got to still be recognized as a mom but I got to sleep in in the morning. During my time as the infertile woman, I wept in silence but had a little extra money to buy myself something extra special (it was always shoes). Now as the mother of young children I get smothered with extra doses of hugs and kisses.

I have always wanted to be a mom. I consider myself one of the lucky ones that get to do it with the support of a stable and loving relationship. Yet, even with all the support, this job is hard.

I have some wonderful friends and family who, like many of you, gave me a diaper shower. My twins just hit 7-months-old and I just opened the first box I have purchased. CRA-ZY! I am so thankful. I know from experiences like this that having support makes this hard job just a little easier.

That is the big reason that for Mother’s Day we promote a drive for the Resources for Women. Resources for Women help mamas who find themselves in situations that need a little more support than they have. What Mom hasn’t been scared? Overwhelmed? Or needing a little more help financially?

This year we will be doing a diaper drive for Resources For Women. Their current need is newborn and size 1, but all sizes are welcome. If you are a mom that has an extra package of unused diapers (because those little guys grow so quickly) or if you just love helping a fellow mama out, we would love to partner with you.

From today to May 15 you can drop off your diapers at Weisinger Law Firm. We will then deliver them to Resources for Women to assist these hard-working Mamas.

You can continue to follow us on Facebook for the collection and delivery of the diapers!

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